IGL PNG Promotion Campaign


Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL), a major provider of natural gas in the Delhi NCR region, sought to increase the adoption of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) among residential consumers. To achieve this goal, they enlisted Promodome Communications to develop and execute a comprehensive promotional campaign.



Increase awareness of PNG and its benefits over other fuel sources.

Drive new subscriptions for PNG connections.

Engage with the community to foster trust and create a positive brand image.


Initially, Promodome Communications was briefed to focus on a traditional print and outdoor advertising campaign. However, the team proposed a more interactive approach by incorporating Below-The-Line (BTL) activities to complement the traditional campaign. This strategy aimed to directly engage the target audience and provide firsthand experience of the product benefits.

  1. Print and Outdoor Campaign
  • Print Media: Advertisements in major newspapers and magazines highlighting the cost-effectiveness, safety, and environmental benefits of PNG.
  • Billboards and Hoardings: Strategically placed in high-traffic areas to maximize visibility.

Media Plan and Placements

  • Strategic Placement: Ads were strategically placed in high-traffic areas such as metro stations, bus stops, and busy marketplaces to maximize visibility. Print ads were featured in leading newspapers and magazines.
  • Integration with Digital Media: Complementary digital ads were placed on social media platforms and news websites to reach a tech-savvy audience.

Multimedia Integration

  • “Eyes and Ears” Movie: A short film titled “Eyes and Ears” was produced and screened in theatres. The film, praised for its concept and direction by senior officials, aimed to emotionally engage the audience, driving home the importance of vigilance and reporting suspicious activities.


Design and Messaging
  • The campaign visuals featured stark, high-contrast imagery of everyday scenarios where vigilance is critical. Each visual was paired with a strong punch line like “Your Attention Can Save Lives” or “Report Suspicious Activity – Be Alert, Stay Safe.”
  • Innovative design elements included interactive billboards and QR codes on posters, leading viewers to educational content and helplines.
Media Placement
  • Print Media: Full-page ads in leading newspapers such as The Times of India, Hindustan Times, and magazines targeting diverse readerships.
  • Outdoor Media: Billboards, transit ads on buses and metro trains, and posters in public places.
  • Digital and Social Media: Engaging content including infographics, video snippets from the “Eyes and Ears” movie, and interactive posts were shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Theatre Campaign
  • “Eyes and Ears” Movie: This short film was screened in multiplexes across Delhi. The storyline emphasized community vigilance and the importance of reporting suspicious activities to the police. The film was promoted through trailers and posters in theatre lobbies, creating a preemptive buzz.


Public Engagement and Awareness

The campaign successfully captured public attention, with a significant increase in the number of reports to the police about suspicious activities.

Social media engagement metrics showed a marked increase in shares, likes, and comments on the campaign content, indicating widespread public resonance.

Recognition and Praise

  • The “Eyes and Ears” movie received accolades from senior police officials for its impactful storytelling and direction.
  • The campaign was recognized as a benchmark for public awareness initiatives, with other states considering similar approaches.

Long-Term Impact

The heightened awareness and proactive behavior among the public led to a more vigilant community, contributing to the prevention of potential threats.

Summing Up:

The Anti-Terrorism Campaign by Promodome Communications for Delhi Police serves as a notable example of how strategic creative direction, innovative design, and targeted media placement can effectively engage the public and enhance community safety. Through a combination of captivating visuals, strong messaging, and multimedia integration, the campaign achieved its objectives and set a standard for future public awareness initiatives.

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